Most of the organic ingredients we use are commonplace in today's global table, but there might be a few unfamiliar sounding ones. Below are some handy descriptions for your convenience.
Cashews are a great source of heart-healthy unsaturated fats which help lower harmful cholesterol. They are a nutritionally dense whole food that provide vitamins E, K, B-5 & B-6, along with minerals like copper, phosphorus, zinc, magnesium, iron, and selenium. The rich concentration of selenium in particular helps boost your body’s natural antioxidant activity.
Brazil nuts are high in unsaturated fats that help lower cholesterol, in particular “bad” LDL cholesterol. However, the standout trait of brazil nuts is that they are the world’s richest food source of selenium. Selenium is an important trace mineral that boosts antioxidant activity in the body and defends against free radicals. It also reduces inflammation and helps your body regulate thyroid function.
Oats are renowned for being incredibly tasty, nutritious and healthy. They contain beta-glucan, a soluble fibre that helps reduce bad LDL cholesterol. They are also high in antioxidants and have anti-inflammatory properties.
Sugar is an essential component of good gelato. It is a neutral sweetener and is also a technical ingredient that helps give gelato its creamy texture. Our organic sugar is obtained from the filtration and evaporation of cane juice. Alternative sweeteners (Stevia, Xylitol, etc) do not perform as well, or are heavily refined with chemicals. In particular, we do not use agave due to its high fructose levels that overtax the liver. We urge you to do further research on these trendy sugar alternatives that are often falsely marketed as “natural” or “healthy.” Our stance on sugar is one of moderation – a little goes a long way. Our gelato is rich and dense, which means a smaller portion is able to satiate both your taste buds and your tummy.
Dextrose is also known as glucose, a simple sugar that is an important energy source for our body and brain. It is derived from grapes or corn.
Coconut oil is obtained by pressing the dried flesh of the coconut.
Konjac or Konnyaku flour is the ground dried starchy root of the Konjac plant. In Europe, you might have come across Konjac in the form of zero-calorie Shirataki noodles. It has long been consumed in China and Japan as a healthy food as it’s high in soluble dietary fibre with zero calories.